Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ok, I'm bored now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't like sitting here with my foot up and getting to the bathroom is an experience. I can NOT for the life of me get coordinated with those crutches, damnit!


  1. I do not understand a thing at this point ... I stayed at the sleep disorder ... but there is something more? I send you all the support and courage to face the situation and always thinking positive you will see that it is worth it. embrace

  2. Yes, I have a sleep disorder called Sleep Apnea. I also have Multiple Sclerosis. Two days ago I fell and twisted my ankle and tore ligaments in it so I am walking on crutches. Thank You so much for your support!

  3. Gosh, you've had a heck of a month with everything. Have you done the Remains thing yet? I finally got thru all the videos and read the other things. I organized my papers yesterday and I am almost ready to start. I have a file drawer to sort thru first because I'm sure there may be some things in there I'd like to use too. I don't think I'll be making just one but I feel intimidated by sewing it together at the very end. Let me know how you are doing!
